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1 Graduate Student Collaboration

2 Undergraduate Student Collaboration

Refereed Journal Articles

*Syme, M. L., & Cohn, T. J. (2020). Aging sexual stereotypes and sexual expression in mid-and later life: examining the stereotype matching effect. Aging & Mental Health, 1-8.

*Graf, A. S., Cohn, T. J., & Syme, M. L. (2020). Social Cognitive Theory as a Theoretical Framework to Predict Sexual Risk Behaviors among Older Adults. Clinical Gerontologist, 1-14.

*Syme, M., & Cohn, T. J. (2019/2020). Elder sexual abuse and implicit ageism: Examining the warm-incompetent bias among mock jurors? Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 1-26.

*Syme, M., Cohn, T. J. Stoffregen S, Kaempfe H, & Schippers D. (2019). "“At my age…”: Defining Sexual Wellness in Mid and Later life. The Journal of Sex Research, 1-11.

*Scheel, M. J., Stabb, S. D., Cohn, T. J., Duan, C., & Sauer, E. M. (2018). Counseling Psychology Model Training Program. The Counseling Psychologist, 46, 6-49.

*1Hirsch, J. K, Cohn, T. J., Rowe, C. A., & Rimmer, S. E. (online 2016; in print, 2017). Minority sexual orientation and suicidal behavior: Serial indirect effects of hope, hopelessness and depressive symptoms. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 260-270. 

*1 Barbir, L. A., Vandevender, A. W., & Cohn, T. J. (2017). Friendship, attitudes, and behavioral intentions of cisgender heterosexuals toward transgender individuals. Journal of Gay and Mental Lesbian Mental Health, 21(2), 154-170.

*Syme, M., Cohn, T. J., & Barnack-Tavlaris, J. (2017). A comparison of actual and perceived sexual risk among older adults: Are they accurate? The Journal of Sex Research, 1-12.

*1Love, M. M., Cohn, T. J., Hastings, S. L., & Pierce, T. (2016). Trends in injection use by rural opioid-abusing youth. The Journal of Rural Mental Health, 180-192. 

*1Tarber, D. N., Cohn, T. J., Casazza, S, Hastings, S. L., & Steele, J. (2016). The role of self-compassion in psychological well-being for male survivors of childhood maltreatment. Mindfulness, 1-10.

*1Casazza, S. P., Ludwig, E., & Cohn, T. J. (2015). Heterosexual attitudes and behavioral intentions toward bisexual individuals: Does geographic area make a difference? Journal of Bisexuality, 532-553.

*Syme, M., & Cohn, T. J. (2016). Examining aging sexual stigma attitudes among adults by gender, age, and generational status. Aging and Mental Health, 1-10.

*1 Love, M. M., Smith, A. E., Lyall, S. E., Mullins, J. L., & Cohn, T. J. (2015). Exploring the relationship between gay affirmative practice and empathy among mental health professionals. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 83-96.

*1Boone, D. N., Cohn, T. J., Hastings, S. L., & Steele, J. (2014). Self-compassion and male survivors: Promoting psychological well-being following childhood maltreatment. Prevention and Health Promotion: Research, Social Action, Practice and Training, 7 (1), 14-25. 

*1 Stroup, J., Glass, J., & Cohn, T. J. (2014). The adjustment to U.S. rural college campuses for bisexual students in comparison to gay and lesbian students: An exploratory study. Journal of Bisexuality, 94-109. doi: 10.1080/15299716.2014.872482

*1Glass, J., Hastings, S. L., Cohn, T. J., & Pierce, T. W. (2013). The role of family in enhancing positive development in Rural LGB youth. Prevention in Counseling Psychology: Theory, Research, Practice and Training, 6, 21-26.

*Hastings, S. L., & Cohn, T. J. (2013). Challenges and opportunities associated with rural mental health practice. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 37(1), 37-49. doi:10.1037/rmh0000002

*Cohn, T. J., & Hastings, S. L. (2013). Building a practice in a rural area: Special considerations. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 35, 228-244.

*1 Whiting, E. L., Boone, D. N., & Cohn, T. J. (2012). Exploring protective factors among college-aged bisexual students in rural areas: An exploratory study. Journal of Bisexuality, 12, 507-518.

*Cohn, T. J., & Leake, V. S. (2012). Affective distress among adolescents who endorse same-sex sexual attraction: Urban versus rural differences and the role of protective factors. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health, 16, 291-305.  

*Cohn, T. J., & Hastings, S. L. (2011). Special issue: Rural lesbian life: Narratives of community, commitment, and coping. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 15, 141-147.

*Waide, M. P., Herd, C., & Cohn, T. J. (March, 2010). Remediating boundary issues: Triangulation and self-care. Perspectives on Supervision and Administration, 20, 40-44.

*Cohn, T. J., & Hastings, S. L. (2010). Resilience among rural lesbian youth. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 14, 71-79.

*Herd, C., & Cohn, T. J. (2009). Constructing and maintaining appropriate boundaries within clinical supervision relationships. Perspectives on Supervision and Administration, 19, 30-35.

*Cohn, T. J. (2006). All is fair in equity and sexual satisfaction: Using growth curves to examine perceived relationship equity and sexual satisfaction in a national sample. Journal of Human Sexuality, 9,

*Cohn, T. J., & McKee, J. (2005). Career development for individuals with HIV: A review of the literature. Journal of Contemporary Counseling, 119-127.

Tracy Cohn, PhD, LCP
Psychological Works LLC


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